Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Woman takes video selfie while having a stroke: VIDEO

Until now, this site has catered pretty much to the carer looking after someone with dementia.

But after asking the Facebook 'likers' of this page The Sandwich Generation - Carers who also strive to care for themselves - what they'd like to see more of, I got some interesting feedback I want to take on board immediately.

What about people who are carers for a loved one who has had a stroke, Sherry asked me.

She has a very good point. A page that is a caregiver's space is much more inclusive and can evolve into 

Gosh, I can only imagine the huge task at hand for helping to rehabilitate a loved one, and the stress and sadness (and hope!) involved in getting them back to being more mobile, speaking more, and 

Indeed, I watch my cousins care for the mother who has had a stroke, and while she is making and has made exceptional progress, it is very hard on all involved - emotionally, physically, mentally, and in sacrificing time and work and so much more.

However, just as caring for someone with dementia can be exceptionally rewarding, so can caring for someone who has had a stroke. Each victory, however seemingly small, is massive. Huge. Uplifting. Encouraging.

When I thought of a video depicting stroke, I thought of this one. It has now gone viral, and shows a woman takes video selfie while having a stroke.

Extra info on video/post-script: 

This video showed 49 year old Stacey Yepes, who suddenly felt the left side of her body go numb. Her face felt frozen.

Then, the phone rang. She answered, but slurred her words. Five minutes later, the symptoms subsided and Stacey felt normal again. Shaken by the experience, she went to her local emergency room at the hospital to get it checked out.

Tests were 'clear'. She was told that the episode was most likely a result of stress. Stacey was not convinced.
Even as Stacey was leaving the hospital that day, she felt that strange numbing sensation return. It passed quickly. She went home and went to work the next day.
Two days after her initial episode, while driving home from work, Stacey suddenly felt the left side of her body going numb again.
She pulled over as the symptoms returned, this time - stronger.
Then, she had the forethought to get out her smartphone and film herself, so she could later show a doctor what she was experiencing
Yet again, the symptoms passed and Stacey felt normal. She had now experienced three of these events and was increasingly concerned.
She went to another hospital for a second opinion. The symptoms she described and the video was enough for staff to suspect a minor stroke.
Because Stacey's episodes had been short and had passed each time, she had most likely experienced a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or what's known as a "mini-stroke."
TIAs are caused by blood clots and the only difference between a TIA and a full blown stroke is that the TIA is usually temporary. However, they are no less serious as TIAs are considered a warning that a more serious stroke could happen.
Stacey's assessment showed she had suffered a small stroke due to a small blockage in one of the arteries supplying her brain.
Further tests confirmed that this was caused by atherosclerosis – or the build-up of plaque in the artery supplying the area of her brain injured in her stroke.
Stacey was relieved to have confirmed the cause of her symptoms, yet she thought she had been leading a pretty healthy lifestyle, and was surprised to have suffered a stroke at such a young age. However, this is very much possible.
Although she experienced three separate events, Stacey is fortunate they only affected a small area of her brain and she wasn't left paralysed or with impaired speech. Had she dismissed those initial symptoms, the outcome could have been much worse.
Do you care for someone who has had a stroke? What's the experience like for you? And for them?

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